The Internal Audit Unit is a strategic partner for shareholders and management and supports the Company in managing resources productively and effectively to improve results for stakeholders and uphold ANJ’s core values.
The Head of the Internal Audit Unit is Mr Christian Lunard Sitorus, who was appointed in 2017, based on Resolution of the Board of Directors No 02/BOD/ANJ/GEN/2017 dated December 13, 2017.
The Internal Audit Unit’s principal duties and responsibilities include the following:
Reviewing the Company’s internal control system to achieve organizational goals including testing and evaluating the implementation of internal control and risk management based on internal audit.
Develop and implement an annual internal audit plan.
Prepare and submit an annual accountability report for the achievement and implementation of the Internal Audit Unit plan.
Testing and evaluating the implementation, relevance, reliability and integrity of the internal control and risk management system following Company policy.
Conduct inspections and assessments of efficiency and effectiveness in finance, accounting, operations, human resources, marketing, information technology and other activities.
Assessing the effectiveness of securing asset values and verifying the existence of these assets.
Assessing the level of compliance with the Company’s policies, procedures, internal instructions, regulations and applicable laws.
Conduct a special examination based on the approval of the President Director of the Company or the Commissioner of the Company or the Audit Committee on allegations of a conflict of interest, unlawful act, criminal act of corruption or fraud based on the urgency and scope of the examination, namely potential loss, the impact of the incident and grace period the time of the assignment in question.
Prepare a report on audit results and submit the report to the President Director and the Audit Committee, accompanied by a copy of the report to the Board of Commissioners.
Provide suggestions and recommendations for improving systems and procedures to prevent inefficiency and fraud at every management level.
Provide guidance and consultation on good administrative, operational and financial systems.
Monitor, analyze and report on the implementation of the follow-up improvements that have been suggested.
Coordinate with appropriate levels of Management if there are indications of fraud and system failure.
Cooperating with the Audit Committee.
Develop a program to evaluate the quality of the internal audit activities it carries out.