
About Us


ANJ actively participates in national and regional associations which promote information and improving standards and compliance among producers and other stakeholders.

Association Role Link


UN Global Compact

Signatory Tier https://www.unglobalcompact.org/what-is-gc/participants/146568-PT-Austindo-Nusantara-Jaya-Tbk

Indonesian Public Listed Companies Association (AEI)

Participates as an active member. https://www.asosiasi-emiten.or.id/www.anj-group.com


Indonesian Palm Oil Producers’
Association (GAPKI): Central Office and North
Sumatra Branch

Participates in forums to encourage a conducive climate for the palm oil industry, increase capacity for sustainable palm oil, advocate for solutions to problems in the palm oil industry and synergize with the government on related policies. https://gapki.id/anggota-gapki
Association of Large Private Plantations
(APBS) Belitung
Participates in forums to coordinate compliance with government policies, to discuss solutions to industry problems, and to share information. N/A


Indonesian Chamber of Commerce
and Industry (KADIN)

Participates in fostering the development of the business community and all its stakeholders, with regard to economic policy formulation and implementation throughout Indonesia. N/A


Indonesian Sago Community (MASSI)

Participates in promoting the development of sago as part of the national food security effort. https://www.facebook.com/MasyarakatSaguIndonesia/


Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO)

Member and participates actively in two working groups: No-deforestation Task Force and Indonesia National Interpretation. https://rspo.org/members/150
Indonesian Grower Caucus Participates as a member to promote sustainable palm oil management and best practices, and to share insights of common interests in the industry.  

Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil Forum (FoKSBI) 

 Active Participant http://foksbi.id/en/partner-member