

Pollution Prevention

We prevent pollution from toxic or hazardous waste by storing all toxic and/or hazardous waste in licensed units before being collected and managed by licensed waste management contractors. The main types of hazardous waste are used oil and neon bulbs, medical waste, and pesticide packaging such as sacks. No hazardous waste is reused, recycled, incinerated, or sent to landfill. Each subsidiary has a contract with a third-party vendor that is confirmed to have met the legal requirements to transport, recycle, or process hazardous waste. All toxic and hazardous waste is disposed of according to the government regulations.

To prevent contamination of water sources from mill effluents we treat and independently test all effluent to ensure it is within legal safe limits. According to Indonesian environmental regulations, we must meet the allowable Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) and Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) thresholds of 100 mg/liter and 350 mg/liter, respectively, before our wastewater are released to waterways or rivers. Our target is to adhere to this regulation. 

Our BOD and COD levels are verified and measured every month by independent and accredited laboratories (see a sample report here). The results are also verified by government authorities through an online environmental reporting system at the national level called SIMPEL (Sistem Pelaporan Elektronik).

We also have an internal policy to use palm oil mill effluents (POME) for land application. All POME for land application should have a BOD of less than 5000 mg/liter (above which it will hazardous and poison the oil palm tree). We apply POME with a BOD level of less than 3000 mg/liter by treating our POME using anaerobic bacteria and aerated processes in our wastewater effluent treatment ponds. As much as possible, we use POME for land applications or to generate methane gas in our biogas power plant, which will reduce inorganic fertilizer use. Therefore, in all of our estates with the exception of ANJAS, we do not release wastewater to the waterways or river.  

The progress and performance toward meeting our water quality target is as follows:

We measure particulate matter (PM), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and sulfur oxides (SOx), every six months in the work environment (factories and offices) as well as in residential areas close to the factory, at the source in the electricity generator and boiler chimney. The results of these measurements are reported regularly to the local Environment Agency as per the regulatory requirements. Reporting on these emissions is managed by the Environment, Health and Safety (EHS) department.

We maintain an environmental policy and management system (The policy can be access on: Environmental Management System Policy Manual)  that is rigorously implemented across all operational sites. This integrated framework encompasses stringent protocols for waste management, pollution prevention, and environmental protection, demonstrating the company's commitment to sustainable practices and environmental stewardship. The policy establishes clear guidelines and procedures for managing and monitoring environmental impacts, utilizing natural resources efficiently, and preventing environmental incidents through proactive risk assessment and appropriate risk control strategies. Through the implementation of a comprehensive environmental management system, routine audits, and compliance monitoring, we ensure that all our operations do not cause negative environmental impacts. We have maintained a strong environmental compliance record with no significant fines or penalties related to environmental violations in the last 5 years, affirming the effectiveness of our environmental management approach and our dedication to responsible corporate practices.