This underlines the importance of preventing violations such as fraud, corruption or violation of business ethics or company policies. ANJ provides a reporting mechanism called the Whistleblowing System (WBS) , should there be any indication of any of the violations mentioned. In addition to being a testimony to ANJ’s commitment towards good corporate governance, this system also aims to prevent and detect early violations that act to the detriment of the company. Our WBS is called Berani Bicara in Indonesian language. Please click on the Berani Bicara icon to access our WBS.
The WBS reporting mechanism guarantees the safety and security of the informer. The company allows anonymous reporting, providing the informer with full confidentiality of identity and information reported, and protection against retaliation from the reported party. The hotline can be reached by call, SMS and WhatsApp and is available 24/7, in local language.
We socialize this program on a regular basis, encouraging our staff to use this whistle blower program freely and we report the result in our annual report. In 2023, the whistleblowing system (WBS) has been socialized in 11 sessions to all employees in all ANJ group, head offices, regional office and contractors.
Informants can contact the WBS Reporter Protection Unit via one of the following dedicated email or phone/SMS hotlines, stating the initial indication of misconduct and supporting evidence: